Effective Recruitment
Effective Recruitment is essential for timely completion of your Clinical Investigation Trial. Unfortunately, many clinical sites are overwhelmed with the burden of recruiting the right patients for complex Medical Device Trials with extensive in- and exclusion criteria. This results in high screen fail percentages, associated costs and delays.
The many differences in Medical Devices, the indications and in-exclusion criteria require detailed information about your Clinical Investigation Trial to be able to offer the solution that best fits your needs.
TRIQ Recruitment Consulting
TRIQ can offer consulting support to your team to allow you to benefit from our experience in this field. In this case you have a dedicated team with sufficient resources to initiate and follow-up on the recruitment initiative.
TRIQ Recruitment Support
TRIQ can offer full recruitment support for those customers that do not have a dedicated team or the resources to effectively implement and follow-up.
Depending on the Medical Device, the indication and in-exclusion criteria, we can advise which tools would be most suited to implement for the most effective recruitment strategy for your Clinical Trial.
Want to know more?
Contact us to find out how TRIQ can help you with your recruitment.